Safety Tips for Heaters and Other Heating Devices

Safety Tips for Heaters and Other Heating Devices

Heating equipment, while necessary for your home’s comfort, can create a safety risk in your home if it isn’t used properly. We have seen many safety problems with heaters over the years that could have been avoided, and we want to share our top tips for staying safe when you heat your home:

  • Keep anything that can burn at least several feet away from your heaters, as well as your fireplace, portable space heater, or wood stove.
  • If you use space heaters or open fires in your home, make sure your children are aware of the dangers and supervised when these systems are in use. You should also make sure your children are not allowed to play near any heating equipment.
  • Have our professional team come in and install any new heaters or equipment according to the manufacturer’s instruction and local codes so your home stays safe. Turning to our qualified team will also ensure the efficiency and reliability of your new equipment.
  • When you go to bed, leave the room, or leave your home, make sure you turn any portable heaters all the way off.
  • If your home’s heating system runs off of gas or oil, never use an alternative fuel to run the appliance. This can result in system malfunctions and danger to your home.
  • If your home has a fireplace, make sure it has a sturdy screen on it to keep sparks from flying into the room. You should also make sure any ashes are completely cool before placing them in a metal container for disposal.
  • Test your smoke alarms regularly (once a month is recommended).